Apocalypse Again???
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Driving down the highway towards Sunnydale, Angel pondered about things. He wasnt sure how things were down there. He hadnt heard from anyone down there in around two years. He knew Cordelia had kept in touch with Willow, but even she hadnt talked to her in a year or so. He looked around at the other occupants of the car, each helping the cause in their own way. Cordelia: the Seer, Wesley: the Researcher, Gunn: the Hunter, Dru: the psychic, Darla: the Miracle. Dru and Darla had come to him a year ago; right after Cordy had lost touch with Willow, asking in exchange for food and shelter, they would be spies at Wolfram&Heart. They could get rowdy at times, but Angel always kept them in line.
He was suddenly shaken from his thoughts when he saw the Welcome to Sunnydale sign just ahead. As he passed through the familiar streets of the small town, heading towards the mansion, he wished he didnt have to do this. It was hard enough seeing Buffy as it was, but after so long? Things had changed drastically for him, as he was sure they had for her. When he pulled into the driveway of the mansion, he woke everyone up, as they had each in turn fallen asleep during the two-hour drive to the hellmouth. Everyone got out of the car and grabbed their individual bags.
Angel walked up to the front door with his loyal employees behind him. You never knew what sort of evil nasties were lurking around at night, especially in Sunnydale. But considering that three of the people in the group were some of the nasties, they all knew they had no worries. Angel fumbled for the correct key, and swore when he dropped his keys on the ground. Dru politely picked them up and handed them to her Daddy. Angel smiled at her, because she was trying. When he finally found the right key, he slid it in the lock, and a frown marred his brow when it wouldnt work. He forced the lock, rolling his eyes when he heard Cordelia mutter He couldnt have done that in the first place?. He stepped inside, and invited in Darla and Drusilla. They put their bags down in the main hall and followed Angel into the kitchen. It was then that they got a BIG surprise. The refrigerator door was open, and someone was rummaging through it. When the person turned around, with a can of whipped-cream and some chocolate sauce in his hands, he let out a yelp. Everyone opened his or her eyes in shock.
AHHHH!! What the hell are you doing here? Xander asked in a shrill voice. When he caught sight of Darla and Drusilla, he freaked. Youre evil again!! You came to kill us!!
No I didnt. What are you doing? asked Angel.
Getting a snack. Xander looked at the food he had sheepishly.
A snack. Sure. Cordelia said skeptically, looking at what was in his hands. Think you forgot the ice cream Xander.
I was getting it Xander trailed of, focusing back on subject. What are you doing here Deadboy and company?
Apocalypse has come to call once more. Were here to stop it. Cordelia said, yawning and looking quite bored Can I go to bed now? Its been a long night. She asked her boss.
Yeah, in a bit. Xander, what are you doing in my house? Angel demanded, glaring at Xander.
Your house? You gave the deed to Giles when you left town. Remember? And for your information, I live here. So, big evil thing huh? Ill go wake the others. Xander sighed, upset that his and Anyas sex capaids would have to be postponed.
Bout six months ago all the Scoobies -cept Giles- moved in here. Xander explained. He left the room to wake the others. Angel sent Darla and Gunn out to get some supplies, and sent Dru out in the garden until he explained the situation to everyone. Fifteen minutes later all the Scoobies except Giles, Buffy, and Spike were assembled in the main living room. Dawn was rubbing her eyes, Willow and Tara were looking with interest at all of the LA gang, Anya was glaring at Cordelia (anyone who had ever been with Xander was not someone she trusted), Xander was basically staring at his feet, and everyone else was staring at the walls, ceiling, or floor.
Im not going to get her. Xander finally said, breaking the silence.
Its your turn Xander. Dawn argued.
But- Xander started to say, but Cordelia interrupted him Jeeze! What is the big deal?! Ill go get her!
O.K.! Xander exclaimed, happy to be getting out of go-wake-up-Buffy duty.
Which room is she in?
Second floor, third door on the right. Dawn told her.
I dont see what the big deal is she muttered to herself, stomping up the stairs. A moment later she came back down, with a stricken look on her face.
Willow? You and your girlfriend do spells and stuff right? Any chance of a forgetting spell for me? Cordelia asked, even as Willow and Tara were getting the stuff together, because theyd done the spell so many times in the last six months.
Did you get her? Willow asked.
Yeah, I managed to get a sentence through between moans and growls. I think. Cordelia looked shocked, even she had nothing to say.
What happened? asked Angel, looking panicked Is she O.K.?. Just then Buffy and Spike walked down the stairs, Buffy smoothing her hair, and Spike pulling on a shirt. Both were looking rumpled. Buffy noticed Angel first.
Angel? Whats going on? Why are you here? she asked him. From behind her, Spike suddenly stiffened. He started growling, deep in his chest, the sort of sound that lions run from. He was not pleased to see his grand-sire. Not one bit. Spike started advancing towards Angel, and at that very moment, Drusilla came into the room. Spike and Buffy first, then slowly the rest of the gang noticed her.
Dawn had one thought, which she said out loud. We are gonna need new furniture.
Buffy stared to move instinctively between Spike and Dru, wanting to keep them apart. Angel saw Buffy reach for a stake, and moved protectively to Drusillas side.
Cordelia saw that a mass murder was about to occur, and decided to take charge. O.K. slay gal. Lets calm down now, shall we? she said calmly.
Buffy gave Angel a look he had only seen once before. When he had been pretending to be Angelus, and was kissing Faith, he had seen it flicker across her face: pure rage.
Angel. Buffy said through gritted teeth. What the fuck is Drusilla doing in my home?
Buffy, dont worry. Dru is good now. She wont hurt any of you. Angel explained everything that had happened in the last few years.
So let me get this strait. Darla was brought back from the dead. Dru vamped her. They turned good. They spy for you. But you still havent told me why you are here.
At that moment Gunn and Darla walked in. Darla glared at Buffy. Buffy glared at Darla. Cordy silently vowed to keep the two of them apart. Thats when she noticed Gunn. He was standing in the middle of the room, just staring at Buffy. She noticed him just then also.
Charlie? Buffy whispered. She stepped forward slowly.
Lizabeth? Is that you? Gunn asked. Buffy let out a squeal and rushed to his arms. He spun her around in circles till they were both dizzy. She hugged him again.
What the hell are you doing here? she asked playfully. She was so happy!
I came up with Angel. Gunn told her.
Wait, you guys know eachother? Cordelia asked How? The whole LA gang was surprised. Even nutty Dru. They know eachother?
When I was fourteen, these guys were hassling me outside of my school. Charlie came up and saved me. We were best of friends ever since that day. We lost touch when I moved to Sunnydale. He was the first person I told the whole slayer thing to. Thats how he found out about vamps. Remember? You insisted coming along with me on patrol one night; he was going to convince me that vampires werent real. Guess I surprised you when I staked one right in front of ya, huh? I was so upset with my parents, and this whole destiny thing was dropped right in my lap. Charlie was always there for me. We were best friends. I missed him so much when I first moved to Sunnydale. When I disappeared that summer, I met up with him and his crew again in LA. They helped me out for a while, then I got on my feet. Now, she turned to him What are you doing with Angel. You once told me that vamps were evil. Animals. Are you the same Charlie Gunn I know and love? she asked, a smile playing on her lips.
Spike wasnt so sure he liked the way this guy was flirting with HIS Buffy. He came up behind her and possessively. The look he gave Gunn was an understanding between the two of them. Buffy was Spikes. Not Gunns.
Now, bout this apocalypse- Spike started, but Angel interrupted him.
What are you doing in Sunnydale Spike? Why are you here? And you better give me the truth, or blood will flow. Angel said forcefully, through gritted teeth.
The Cliff Notes Version? Came to Sunnyhell, got chipped, fell in love with a goddess, spent forever trying to get her to fall in love with me, succeeded, moved in here, invited Scoobies at goddesses insistence, and now I have a house full of people barley older than teenagers. That about sums it up. Any questions? Spike said sarcastically, glaring hatefully at his sire through the whole speech.
WHAT??!! You and Buffy are together?! Angel bellowed. He ran strait for Spike, intent on a good kill, when Buffy noticed the air around Dawn start to glow green.
Oh shit. Spike! Angel! Stop this now! Youre upsetting Dawn! Buffy screamed, pulling Angel off of Spike. But it was too late. The energy started to crackle, and Dawn had closed her eyes tightly.
Run for cover! Willow! Tara! Buffy yelled, leaping over the couch to hide behind the back.
Were on it Buffy! Willow yelled back. Even as she spoke, the bubble spell to keep Dawns energy at bay was taking affect. The air within ten feet all directions around Dawn started to shimmer as the bubble sealed itself. Willow and Tara ran into the kitchen and ducked behind the counter. A loud explosion was heard though out the house. Then silence.
Buffy jumped over the couch to where an unconscious Dawn lay, the dust settling all around her. She picked her up and handed her over to Xander, who took her upstairs to her bed.
Spike looked truly upset about what had happened, and made the wise decision not to fight with his grandsire anymore throughout his visit. Angel however, was just confused.
What the hell just happened? he asked, looking around frantically to make sure his crew were all ok. They all nodded at him to let him know they were.
When Dawn gets upset, she creates these energy storms. That was one of them that you just saw. Fun, huh? Willow told them. She looked around. Buffy was tending to Spikes injuries from the explosion, minor as they were, and he was enjoying the attention. Beside her, Tara yawned.
Ok, think thats enough excitement for one night. We are all tired. Angel, you guys can have whatever rooms you want, as long as they are not occupied. We can talk more tomorrow. Goodnight everyone. Willow said, taking Taras hand and leading her upstairs. Buffy and Spike also went back up, Anya following them. They all went up to their separate rooms, and went to bed.
Angel looked at his people Well, that was interesting. Cant wait for tomorrow. He said sarcastically.
They all found rooms to spend the night, and all the occupants of the house went to sleep with frowns on there faces, sensing that something was not right. If only they knew what was to come in the next couple of weeks
To Be Continued | ||||